Start an elpizo chapter

If you’re looking for a place where you can make a difference in the lives of others and in your own, you belong in an Elpizo student-led chapter.
Elpizo chapters are established in high schools across the globe. Members become more effective and confident members of their communities as they serve and learn that they can influence real social challenges, problems and needs. As an organization, we help develop strong leadership skills with each opportunity to step up and take part in service projects.

how it works
Our chapters are the heart and soul of our mission, bringing together passionate individuals dedicated to creating a positive difference. When you start an Elpizo chapter, you will be greeted by guidance and support from a plethora of established organizations and service opportunities.
Each chapter must be willing to commit at least 30 hrs annually of volunteering service. Elected officers can include president, one or more vice presidents, secretary, and treasurer.
What elpizo can do for you!
Not convinced yet? No worries! Here are some benefits of joining an Elpizo chapter:
volunteer service
The Elpizo Foundation is a PVSA certifying organization that offers a multitude of volunteering services in partnership with local causes. Track down your hours while making an impact on the world and fulfill school and college requirements!
At the beginning of each year, we hold a grand award ceremony, where passionate students are rewarded for their hard work. Physical awards include PVSA awards, youth philanthropist of the year, student leader award, and many more (several of which are student-nominated) on top of valuable certificates for each member.
With each event your chapter runs, we release articles on our website and social media accrediting your impact. Additionally, we post each month recognizing an individual member who has shown outstanding philanthropic work throughout the course of the year. We value our members as the driving force of our operations and are determined to acknowledge their work!